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Modern Fire Research and Fire Science

Canada Goose Online This paper will be focused on the impacts to fire science by modern fire research. To canada goose clearance begin, it would appear that the birth of canada goose modern fire research was on October 9, 1871, when on that day two massive fires occurred. The northwest Wisconsin forest fire burned 2,400 square miles, killing 1,152 people, and the Great Chicago Fire that burned 2.5 square City miles, killing 300 people. These events set the tone for the research that ultimately became the fire science of today, which is centered on life safety for the occupants/victim of fire and those that fight fire, and established on the basis of reduction of conflagration. Conflagration is the occurrence of “a fire with major building to building flame spread over a great distance” (Shackelford, p.2). The very basic tree of today’s fire research, and ultimately fire science, had a seed in the saving of lives and the cost of property loss from fire. Canada Goose Online

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buy canada goose jacket cheap In concluding it is very fair to say that since October 9, 1871, modern fire research has helped in advancing many systems that have had and will have an impact on fire science and the ability to save the lives of victims, both human and animal, and those that fight fires, and reduce loss of property due to fire. Many of these impacts will not only affect the techniques in firefighting, but will also bleed over into the prevention arena even to the building codes. buy canada goose jacket cheap

canada goose 7 years ago from Phoenix, AZI cannot agree with you more, and having some fire science in my background, it is my hope that I will be a better Architect. Thank you for the kind thoughts.7 years ago from Sunny Florida canada goose

uk canada goose I guess I never thought of how Canada Goose sale much science might be behind modern fire fighting. This is an interesting hub. Fire is still so dangerous as even with all this technology two fire fighters lost their lives last night. That is sure heartbreaking for their families. uk canada goose

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